A Coffee Story Part II

During the 16th and 17th Century coffee was introduced in Europe, its invigorating effect made it very popular among all people. London coffee houses soon became centre of political, social, literary and artists influence.

Did you know...?
1652 was the year the first “Coffee House” was open in London
At the beginning of the 1600 coffee shops opened in New York, Boston and Philadelphia.
In the 18th Century Coffee cultivation spread in the Americas specially in Brazil
In the 19th Century Coffee became part of the Industrial Revolution with Roasting and Grinding Machines.
Vacuum sealed containers were invented to preserve the Aroma.
Aroma and flavour are developed during the roasting process.
Mocha is the Yemeni Port were coffee were exported.

How is decaf coffee made?
A way to remove the caffeine from the green beans is by raising the temperature of the beans, the inside steam will bring to the surface the caffeine, then the beans will be washed with an organic solvent taking the caffeine away.

Which is the most expensive coffee in the world?
Kopi Luwak (Coffee Luac) is said to be the most expensive coffee in the world. What makes it so expensive?  The coffee berries are eaten by the Asian Palm Civet, passing through the digestive track, in the stomach the acids and enzymes and then defecated. After the beans are picked, washed, sun dried and roast. This specialty coffee is found in some parts of Indonesia, Philippines, Timor and Vietnam, they are known with different names; different animals is used to ferment the beans like wolves, parrots, monkeys and cats.

What to look in a good coffee?
Acidity (is not related with how it makes feel your stomach)
Body (how does it feel? Is it milky? Is it thick, is it reach? …)
Flavour (overall of the flavour in the mouth to you! )

To be continue...
