Vanilla and Beauty

Vanilla in the beauty world is very new, comparing with other ancient ingredients like Rosemary, Frankincense or Lavender. Vanilla's properties are still in research; however, vanilla is used in Beauty products more for the aroma than any other reason.

What are the benefits of using Vanilla in Beauty products?

Most properties discovered are related with the calming and relaxing the mind. Is also know as an aphrodisiac. However, you should know Vanilla is full of antioxidants, make it suitable for face-masks, body creams, toners and serums. This studies were made on Vanilla Extract. Make sure you buy natural organic Vanilla Extract. To find more about Vanilla Extract and Vanilla pods browse through this blog.

I found this information in Livestrong by Allison Adams:

Another Antioxidant

Vanilla has approximately 200 compounds that make up its distinct flavour and give the spice its health benefits. Many of the compounds found in vanilla have antioxidant properties. In fact, studies conducted by the Central Food Technological Research Institute conclude that vanilla may have both antioxidant and cancer-fighting properties. These properties may allow the use of vanilla extract components in health supplements. However, the study also concluded that most people do not consume enough vanilla to gain health benefits from the health attributes of vanilla extract.

Other Health Benefits

According to Bartram's Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine, vanilla may also help regulate menstrual cycles. Additionally, vanilla can help to alleviate the symptoms of anxiety, improve skin tone and boost metabolism, which can potentially stimulate weight-loss effects in your body. Studies conducted by the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and St. George's Hospital in London also support these findings.

Benefits for Children

Bartram's Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicines also recommends adding vanilla extract to a warming pot of milk with a teaspoon of sugar as an herbal remedy to help reduce fever and fight internal infections in children. Additionally, studies conducted at the St. George's Hospital in London confirm that vanilla extract can help calm an upset stomach. Children should also appreciate the taste of this remedy.

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