A Coffee Story...

A Coffee Story (Part 1 )

Most of us love a nice cup of coffee. Especially at breakfast. Wake up with the smell of fresh brewed coffee is always a treat. The coffee industry is a fast growing industry. In fact I'd adventure to say that there is more coffee shops in a city than schools. Coffee shops are  available everywhere, sometimes every corner. Ground coffee, soluble coffee and many other presentations; "Coffee" is one of the top 6 drinks in the world, (not including water). Coffee has been around for centuries, is believed the first coffee shop was open over 500 years ago. So there is a lot to say about coffee, enjoy reading this post.

Drinks that changed the course of History

-Beer -Tea -Spirits -Coffee -Wine -Coca - Cola

Did you know...?
  •  In Japan a study revealed that drinking coffee daily cut by half the risk of Liver Cancer.
  • Arabica coffee has half the caffeine than other varieties of coffees.
  • Is believe it helps to burn calories if is drink before exercise.
  • Caffeine it is addictive.
  • Caffeine can block to the abortion of vitamins and minerals.
  • Tea contains half of the amount of caffeine in a cup.
  • It's estimated 500 billion of cups of coffee are consumed per year in the World.
  • Is more healthy a “Coffee break” than a “Cigarette break” .
  • 1688 is the year Coffee replaced Beer as favourite drink breakfast  in NYC.
  • 1971 is the year the first Starbucks was open in Seattle.
  • Brasil is number one producer of green Coffee beans.
  • One in three persons in the world drink coffee.
  • Kopi Luak Coffee cost over £250.00 a kilo.

To be more analytic I wonder What is Coffee? Where is it from? Why is one of the most popular drinks in the world? Well all this answers I will find out.

Coffee is a tropical evergreen shrub that is from the genus of Coffea of the Rubiacea. The flowers are bouquet like small white flowers with jasmine aroma, the fruit are red berries like, inside has fleshy pulp and two seeds joined by the flat side.

Kaffa, Ethiopia is believed to be the birthplace of Coffee. Some think the word "coffee" comes from the Arabic word qahwah, others thinks comes from it's Birth place "Kaffa".  There is over 40 species of coffee shrubs, but two of these are used to make the aromatic drink, "Arabica and Robusta".

Arabica was the first one to have records to be cultivated; Robusta also originated from East Africa then run down in several African countries and South America. The first evidence of people cultivating the evergreen shrub to make a bitter drink was in the 1350 AD in Yemen. But one of many legends is that it was discovered by a goat keeper, that noticed that the goat got energised after eating the red berries; after trying them he felt a sense of exhilaration, proclaiming the discovery of coffee in 850 AD. Coffee was introduced to Europe by Arabs. The cultivation was spread by the Dutch to the East Indies and by the French in South America. Also Indonesia, East Africa, and pretty much countries with tropical weather close to the Equator. Coffee always have been related with Political, Social and literacy movements.

To be continue...
